Eudesmol is mainly a bi-cyclic hydrocarbon, with the exception of its tertiary alcohol; but more precisely is known as a sesquiterpenoid. A sesquiterpenoid is made of three repeating isoprene units (a sesquiterpene) and then also a hydroxyl group (Alcohol -OH). As a rule, the inclusion of oxygen separates terpenoids from terpenes.

Eudesmol has three distinct isomers: alpha, beta, and gamma, which all smell mildly sweet and primarily woody. Its flavor more distinctly is considered as yuzu like.

Medically, eudesmol isomers are viable to fighting cancer and tumor growth due to their cytotoxicity to tumor cells. Secondly, eudesmol is known to bind with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors which is spawning research into its ability to combat nicotine addiction. Additionally, research has been published regarding eudesmol to mitigate migraines in mice and increase their appetites, which is being extrapolated to say these mechanisms may also apply to humans. Specifically, eudesmol isomers are said to interact with the TRPA1 gene, which is involved in appetite control through calcium channel activation of sensory nerves to increase GVNA (gastric nerve activity).

However, in all cases, eudesmol is usually found in small or trace amounts, even when added to food or beverage products because it is extremely noxious. It is so noxious in fact that, in generous amounts, it can overstimulate genes like TRPA1 and cause gut pain. Horseradish is known to do this through the same mechanism.

Eudesmol is typically found in strains that are created by crossing indica-based cultivars, as they are argued to carry the needed enzyme more frequently. However, it is important to consider the cultivar, but medicate based on the specific chemical profile (known as a chemovar). A wide variety of strains in Maryland produce chemovars with trace amounts of eudesmol.

When choosing your cannabis strain, always ask for the terpene profile as well as the cannabinoid profile so you can better choose a strain that will have the benefits you are seeking. You can often find the terpene profiles of products on our menu.

Beta-Eudesmol | TRP Channel Activator | MedChemExpress

Common Name: EUDESMOL
Formula: C 15 H 26 O
Boiling Point: 573 o F (301 o C)


Written by Paul Walter

Sources: PubMed (1), PubMed (2)

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